Photobook: Getting Started

It was so fun to combine my design and photography skills! I really enjoyed finding the right typography and looking through my photos to decide on the best ones. The hard part is finding the right alignment and figuring out how to export the spread, but other than that I liked it a lot! I’m very excited to print off my whole photobook!






5A Blog: Landscape Perspective

I had a lot of fun taking these photos at the lovely Thomas E. Ricks Gardens on the BYU-I campus. I took them around sunset, so the sky looked very beautiful. I took my cousin, Valerie, along and she didn’t want to change out of her Christmas sweater so we just had to make do with what we had. I took these photos with different apertures which was a bit of a challenge. When I started losing light, I took out my tripod so that I could use a slower shutter speed. I’m a little unhappy with what I came up with because I think I could have done better, but that’s okay- there’s always next week! A little practice will eventually make perfect.

For this textured image, I went to and found a texture of some concrete I liked. In order to blend it together, I dragged the texture over the original picture in Photoshop. With the two photos on top of each other, I clicked “Overlay” so that the texture became a little more transparent. I lowered the opacity a little bit and used a mask to bring the focus of the flower out more.